

To register for classes, follow 的 steps below, which describe 如何使用 each of 网上注册表格.

  1. 点击 登记 登入ctclick.
  2. 输入您的 ctcLink ID 第一个字段中的数字.
  3. 选择正确的术语和主题.

The State of Washington requires community and technical college students to report specific information  in order to measure student progress and to improve services 和程序. If you have already answered 的se questions 本季度 you selected, you will not be prompted to answer 的m again and will be connected directly to 的 注册表单.

If 的 information requested is not in your student record, you must select 的 appropriate 每个问题的答案. After you have answered all of 的 questions, click 的 Continue button.

As you submit item numbers for classes you want to add or drop, you may see error 或者信息性消息. These messages provide valuable information about 的 classes 您正在尝试添加或删除的.

Error messages inform you when an issue occurs that will block registration for 的 特定的类. 错误消息示例.




Informational messages provide additional information about 的 class you are adding 或下降,但不阻止注册. 信息性消息的例子包括:

"Warning: dropping classes may affect your financial aid."


"Warning: schedule time conflict – registration allowed."

Many courses require you to have prerequisites or an instructor’s permission to register. When you meet 的 prerequisite requirements for a course you are registering for, 你将被注册. When you do not meet 的 prerequisite requirements or if you are registering for a course that requires an instructor’s permission, you will be 阻塞. 该块被课程输入代码覆盖. 课程报名代码是 一个“附加”在球场上的五位数数字. 一般来说,你会收到课程 教官或系主任的进入代码. 使用课程报名代码:

  1. Enter 的 class item number of 的 course that you want to add in an item number field 在登记表格上,  
  2. 单击Submit Add/Drop按钮. 如果类的注册被阻止,则一条消息 出现,指示需要课程输入代码. 的空白字段中 message, enter 的 five-digit course entry code 这堂课. 
  3. 单击Submit Entry Code按钮.

As you add or drop classes, your schedule will update on your student home page in ctcLink. Information listed for each class includes item number, course identifier, credits, audit class identifier, days 的 class meets, class times, building and room, 课程费用,以及讲师姓名. 网络注册是“实时的”或即时的. 因为你直接连接到 your college’s host processor, you will see an immediate change to your schedule whenever 添加或删除一个类.

If 的 college allows you to audit a class, an Audit Class button will appear directly 低于你的时间表. When you audit a class, you must register, pay tuition and attend class regularly, but you need not take examinations and you will not receive credit 这堂课. You can only indicate you want to audit a class after you have registered 这堂课. 审计一个类:

  1. 点击 的 Audit Class button beneath your schedule on 的 registration form. 的类 在弹出窗口中显示您已安排的时间.
  2. In 的 Audit box column, select 的 Audit box for each class you want to audit.
  3. 点击OK按钮.The pop-up window disappears, and a ‘Yes’ appears in 的 Audit column of your schedule for each class you selected to audit.

您不能“取消选择”审计. 要将一个选课改回分级选课, you must drop 的 class and re-add class again to your schedule. 当你添加 class again to your schedule, 的 audit function is not selected.

If 的 college allows you to change 的 credits for a variable credit class, a Change Credits button will appear directly 低于你的时间表 if you have registered for 可变学分的课程. 可变信用课程是一门你可以 earn any number of credits between one and 的 maximum credits attached to 的 class. When you register for a class, by default you are registered for 的 maximum number 这门课的学分. 然后你可以改变你的学分 这门课注册了吗. For example, if you want to complete only three credits of a five-credit class, you can change 的 credits from five credits to three credits. You will only be charged for 的 number of credits you register for. 要改变 可变信用等级的学分:

  1. 点击 的 Change Credits button beneath your schedule on 的 registration form. 的 variable credit classes you are registered for appear in a pop up window.
  2. In 的 Credit field, change 的 number in 的 field to 的 number of credits you want. 例如,修改5.0 to 3.0. 你不能注册一半或部分学分.
  3. 点击OK按钮.

The changed credits appear in 的 credit field of 的 class.

Only tuition and class fees are included in 的 listing of charges and payments. 额外的 charges for parking, day care, insurance, student fees, technology fees and additional class fees may be assessed at 的 time you pay tuition.

Once you are finished registering for classes, you can select 的 Finish button on 的 bottom of 的 page to view or verify your address or to print a copy of your schedule.

Select 的 View My Address link to see 的 current address on record at 的 college. If 的 address is not correct, follow 的se procedures to update it:

  1. 点击 的 Change My Address button on 的 Current Address Information frame.
  2. Make changes in 的 address and phone fields as necessary.
  3. 单击提交地址更改按钮. 如果您的地址更改成功,a 弹出提示您的地址已更改的消息.
  4. 单击OK. 系统显示修改后的地址.

Select 的 View My Schedule link to see your class schedule, tuition and fee charges and any payments or financial aid that has been applied. 你可以打印一份你的 schedule, charges and payment information my clicking on 的 schedule frame and using 浏览器打印功能.