高中的大学 through WVC is an opportunity for high school students 在高中时就获得大学学分. 完成铰接式课程的学生 courses taught at their high school by qualified high school faculty providing the same rigor and content as an on-campus college class are eligible to receive WVC credit.
High school faculty must have the same minimum qualifications that are required for 校园教师. 铰接课程必须提供相同的内容、课程材料、 and outcomes as a WVC course, and be assessed regularly by a member of the WVC faculty. When these requirements are met, the course is considered “articulated” with a WVC 课程和学生可以获得大学学分.
- University transfer courses that count toward a bachelor’s degree in subject areas 比如文学、作文、历史、心理学等等.
- Career & Technical Education courses which lead to an associate degree or certificate 在我们众多以职业为重点的学位之一.
Covers the basic biological principles and processes for the non-science major. Includes a basic survey of cell biology, inheritance, reproduction, genetics, classification, 进化,生态学和生命系统的原理. 包括实验室. 没有先决条件. 在Bridgeport HS, Cashmere HS有售 .
5 Credits
Field-oriented course exploring the animal life and vegetation of the Pacific Northwest. Local forests, rivers, lakes and deserts examined with emphasis on ecology and plant 以及动物鉴定. 包括广泛的实地工作. 前提条件:对当地动植物感兴趣. 在Bridgeport HS, Cashmere HS有售.
5 Credits
培养大学水平的阅读、写作和批判性思维能力. Develops writing skills by focusing on strategies and techniques to develop, organize and articulate 有效地表达想法,包括使用文档化的原始材料. 强调写作 process. 学生的最低成绩必须达到“C”(2).0)或更高 完成200级的作文课程. 前提条件:适当的评估分数 (or 2.5 HS gpa). 可在布里奇波特高中,曼斯菲尔德高中.
5 Credits
完善英语论文的策划、修改和编辑流程& 101. 写作研究 papers. Emphasizes topic selection, use of print and electronic sources, note taking, credibility, fact and opinion, logic, avoidance of plagiarism, and documentation. 学生的成绩必须达到“C”(2).0)或更好地将此课程应用于写作 AAS或AST学位的技能要求. 先决条件:英格兰& 101,成绩为“C”(2).0)或更好. 可在布里奇波特高中,曼斯菲尔德高中.
5 Credits
Study of selected British authors and works of literature from Old English,
Middle Ages, Renaissance, Neo-Classical, Romantic, Victorian and Modern
periods. 没有先决条件. 可在布里奇波特高中.
5 Credits
Study of American Literature from the sixteenth century through the current century. Emphasizes the historical, political and cultural basis for the American myth, the American hero and the diversity of American literary genres, stressing the relation 社会/文化和美国作家作品之间的联系. 没有先决条件. 可在布里奇波特高中.
5 Credits
An introduction to the foundations of Western Civilization from the Neolithic Revolution 直到西罗马帝国崩溃(公元前476年).D.). 重点是 to the development of Western society, political ideas, social constructs, cultural 属性和宗教传统. 没有先决条件. 罗斯福湖高中有售.
5 Credits
An introduction to the foundations of Western Civilization from the Neolithic Revolution 直到西罗马帝国崩溃(公元前476年).D.). 重点是 to the development of Western society, political ideas, social constructs, cultural 属性和宗教传统. 没有先决条件. 罗斯福湖高中有售.
5 Credits
A general history of the United States from the earliest indigenous societies and 直到美国内战结束. 本课程的主要重点是 描绘美国社会、文化和政治的发展. 此外, course attempts to stress the diversity of cultures and peoples found in the United States and the impact of this diversity upon the development of American history. 没有先决条件. 可在布里奇波特高中,伊斯特蒙特高中.
5 Credits
A survey of American history from the Reconstruction Era until the present. 主 focus of this course is to describe the social, cultural, political and economic emergence 当代美国. 本课程将强调巨大的经济,社会, cultural, demographic and political transformations that the United States experienced 在这段时间里. 没有先决条件. 可在布里奇波特高中,伊斯特蒙特高中.
5 Credits
丰富了人类的经验. 没有先决条件. 可在曼斯菲尔德高中.
5 Credits
A survey in mathematical topics focusing on topics such as growth, finance, and statistics 这些都是受过教育的公民必备的知识. 学生将建立信心 in mathematical reasoning relevant to a wide range of liberal arts and humanities 应用程序. 先决条件:数学099(或代数II)与等级“C”(2).0)或更好或合适 位置分. 可在布里奇波特高中.
5 Credits
logarithmic functions, and the conic sections) and their inverses in the
它们在微积分中使用的环境. 使用图形计算器
会融入到课程中吗. 先决条件:数学099(或代数II)与B或
数学140分,或相应的分数线. 可在布里奇波特高中.
5 Credits
Introduction to trigonometric functions as they relate to the unit circle
直角三角形. 函数图,应用,问题解决,
几何,包括极坐标和参数方程. The basic
将涵盖序列和系列的概念. 先决条件:数学140
or MATH& 成绩为“C”或以上或适当的分数线141. 可在布里奇波特高中.
5 Credits
Fundamental concepts and 应用程序 of descriptive and inferential statistics. Includes measures of central tendency and variability, statistical graphs, probability, the normal distribution, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, ANOVA testing and regression analysis. Graphing calculator or statistical software techniques are used throughout the course. 先决条件:数学099(或代数II)与等级“C”(2).0)或更高层次的数学 在高中或适当的安置分数. A在布里奇波特高中有售.
5 Credits
Preparation and performance of varied instrumental literature with the Wenatchee Valley Symphony or other professional or semi-professional instrumental ensembles in the 皇冠8868会员登录大区. 这可能包括英国铜管乐队,皇冠8868会员登录大 乐队和其他人. 学生自备乐器. 可以重复学分吗. 没有先决条件. 在Cashmere HS有售.
1 - 2学分
nxa简介?amxcin,摩西/哥伦比亚人,皇冠8868会员登录人, 科尔维尔保留地的Entiat和Chelan部落. 基本发音,语音 包括字母表、基本框架和词汇. 学生将获得 意识到语言和文化的相互联系. 没有先决条件. 罗斯福湖高中有售.
5 Credits
NAL 121的延续. 一些说明将在nxa?amxcin,语言口语 by the Moses/Columbia, Wenatchee, Entiat and Chelan tribes of the Colville Reservation. Students will increase their ability to correctly pronounce the phonemes of the language, 以及进行基本的阅读、写作和对话. 前提条件:NAL 121或教师签名. 罗斯福湖高中有售.
5 Credits
An introductory course designed to help each student: improve muscular strength; gain knowledge regarding safety, anatomy, and understanding of weight training theory and 通过练习可以制定出个性化的重量训练计划. 可以重复 for credit. 没有先决条件. 在Cashmere HS有售.
2 Credits
运动训练领域的入门课程. 本课程设计 to introduce techniques used in risk management and the prevention and care of athletic 伤病. 重点放在管理和预防所需的技能上 injuries common to an active life style, including acute and overuse injuries. The course also provides students with a laboratory experience in which skills relative 要练习捆扎和包裹. 没有先决条件. 在Cashmere HS有售.
5 Credits
Theory, principles, organization, and functions of political institutions, such as 立法机关、行政机关和司法机关将受到审查. 比较方法 to democratic and non-democratic systems and their institutions (Executive, Legislative, 和司法)将得到广泛利用. 强调政治文化和民族 characters such as classical conservatism and liberalism, fascism, totalitarianism, 威权主义,宗教等等. 没有先决条件. 可在布里奇波特高中.
5 Credits
Focus is given to the system, process, and organizational functions of the American government. It also puts primary attention on the relationships between citizens and their national government by exploring the key theoretical precepts that shaped the 宪法及其联邦结构安排. 密切关注的是 policy making process and its key actors, as well as various public policies. 没有先决条件. 可在布里奇波特高中.
5 Credits
提供心理学作为一门科学研究的概述. 理论与研究成果 关于心理学的许多主要分支将被检查. 心理学应用 concepts to school, family, work and other life settings will be taught and discussed. 强调对心理学概念的批判性思考. 没有先决条件. 可在帕斯卡谢尔曼印第安学校.
5 Credits
部分授课为西班牙语. 英语语法背景
推荐使用术语. 没有先决条件. 在Cashmere HS有售.
5 Credits
西班牙语1的延续. 初级语法、写作和理解
西班牙语. 西班牙语教学越来越多. Background
在英语语法术语建议. 先决条件:跨度& 121,成绩为“C”(2).0)或更高. 在Cashmere HS有售.
5 Credits
西班牙语二的延续. 西班牙语的基本语法,写作和理解 language. 教学以西班牙语为主. 英语语法术语背景 建议. 先决条件:跨度& 成绩为“C”(2).0)或更高. 在Cashmere HS有售.
5 credits