在皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院(WVC)社区内禁止欺凌. 按照 与 RCW 28 b.10.900, "hazing” includes any act committed as part of a person’s recruitment, initiation, pledging, admission into or affiliation 与 a student organization, athletic team, or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in 与 respect to such an organization, athletic team or living group that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm, to any student or other person attending a public or private institution of higher education or other post-secondary institution in Washington state, including causing, directing, coercing, or forcing a person to consume any food, liquid, alcohol, drug, or other substance which subjects the person to risk of such harm, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. "被欺侮" does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions. 这项禁令适用于可能发生在校内外的行为. 在合规 与 RCW 28 b.10 (903-907),学院将执行程序和计划,包括提供 学生和员工防欺侮培训和规划,实施 of a mandatory reporting procedure, creation of a hazing prevention committee, and 发布欺侮报告.
400.100 学生的权利 & 责任/学生行为准则政策
1400.110 学生行为规范程序
1400.530 使朦胧过程
A. 目的
The following procedures are established to meet the requirements for implementing 欺侮政策400.530. 除了政策400中规定的定义之外.530年,被欺侮 is further defined as any activity that includes one or more of the characteristics 下面描述:
- 使个人价值观暴露于妥协或嘲笑的活动.
- Activities that abuse the trust an organization is striving to build between its members 潜在的成员.
- Stunts which have no meaningful relationship to the objectives of the organization.
- 使人屈辱或使人屈从于他们所处环境的活动 不舒服,或者他们害怕什么.
- 违法或违反学校政策的活动.
- 干扰学术追求或正常生活功能的活动.
- Some examples of prohibited activities are forced swallowing of uncommon substances, forced consumption of alcohol or drugs, excessive exercise, and sleep or sensory deprivation.
Individuals and/or groups or organizations whose members participate in hazing activities 会受到适当的大学纪律处分吗.
B. 定义
组织: An organization consists of several persons who are associated 与 each other and have registered 与 the college as a student organization (such as clubs, club sports, 或者兄弟会和姐妹会).
集团一个团体由许多与学院有关的人组成 each other, but who have not registered, or are not required to register, as a student organization (including but not limited to athletic teams, musical or theatrical ensembles, academic or administrative units and clubs not registered as student organizations).
大学社区教师、职员、学习者、志愿者.g.、扶轮社顾问及其他义工)、 组织、团体、校友和顾问参与由 chartered or unchartered college groups or organizations who hold events on- or off-campus.
特许: A group or organization who completes a registration form and receives recognition from the college’s associated student government executive body assigned to charter 团体、俱乐部或组织,或类似负责的大学部门.
不合规则的: A group or organization 与 involved college community members who gather to sponsor an activity or event who has not sought recognition from a college’s associated student 政府部门或类似负责的大学部门.
C. 违规者将受到处罚 RCW 28 b.10.901
- Individuals found responsible for conspiring to haze or participating in hazing are
- 终止雇佣关系;
- 学术驱逐;
- 根据州刑法处罚 RCW 9.20.021;
- Forfeiture of entitlement to state-funded grants, scholarships, or awards for a period of time determined by the college; and/or
- Loss of recognition or control of an organization, association or student living group 由学院提供.
- Any organization, association, or student living group that knowingly permits hazing 是否对欺侮造成的人身或财产损失负有严格责任. If the organization, association, or student living group is a corporation, whether for profit or nonprofit, the individual directors of the corporation may be held individually 赔偿责任.
D. 培训
All employees including student employees and volunteers must receive hazing prevention 培训,无论是电子的还是面对面的,关于欺侮的迹象和危险, 还有学校禁止欺侮学生的规定.
The college must provide students 与 educational programming on hazing that includes information on hazing awareness, prevention, intervention, and the college’s policies 禁止被欺侮. 这种编程既可以亲自提供,也可以通过电子方式提供 而且必须是学校新生迎新会的一部分. 程序必须 同时在学院的公共网站上发布,面向包括家长在内的公众, 法定监护人和志愿者进行复查. RCW 28 b.10.904
E. 员工强制报告 RCW 28 b.10.907
If, because of observations or information received in the course of employment or volunteer service, any employee, including a student employee, or volunteer at 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College has reasonable cause to believe that hazing has occurred, the employee or volunteer shall report the incident, or cause a report to be made, to a designated 权威. 指定机构包括任何学生行为官、办公室 副院长的皇冠8868会员登录,公平 & 包容,学生会副主席 服务,和人力资源办公室. 员工或志愿者应作出 报告一有机会就这样做.
A person who witnesses hazing or has reasonable cause to believe hazing has occurred or will occur and makes a report in good faith may not be sanctioned or punished for the violation of hazing unless the person is directly engaged in the planning, directing, 或者被报道有欺侮行为.
“Reasonable cause” means a person who witnesses hazing or receives a credible written 或口头报告声称欺凌或潜在的或计划的欺凌活动.
Nothing in this procedure shall prevent a person from independently reporting hazing 或者涉嫌欺侮执法人员.
F. 防止欺侮委员会
WVC防欺侮委员会应促进和解决防欺侮问题. In 根据 RCW 28 b.10.905, the committee shall have a minimum of six members including a designated chair appointed 由该机构的主席. 百分之五十的委员会职位应 include students currently attending WVC 与 at least one position filled by a student 来自学生组织、运动队或生活团体. 另外的50% 委员会职位中至少应包括一名教职员工和 一名在校学生的家长或法定监护人. 学生 委员会成员应考虑意见. 一个学生,他是一个学生的成员 student organization, athletic team, or living group that was affiliated 与 a finding of a hazing violation 与in the last 12 months may not participate in or be a member 防止欺侮委员会的成员. WVC防欺侮委员会主席 是学生服务副主席或其指定人员吗.
G. 报告欺侮行为
The college will maintain and publicly report actual findings of violations of the 行为准则,反欺侮政策,或与欺侮有关的州或联邦法律 或与酒精,毒品,性侵犯,或任何人身攻击有关的罪行 WVC学生组织,运动队,或生活团体,按照 RCW 28 b.10.906.
400.100 学生的权利 & 责任/学生行为准则政策
400.530 被欺侮的政策
1400.110 学生行为规范程序